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  • 丁宝清教授


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发布日期:2025-01-03 19:30    点击次数:151

丁宝清 职 称:教授,博士生导师 邮 箱:[email protected] 办公地址:南京农业大学生科楼B5004 研究方向: 花色和花形的遗传和发育生物学 教育以及工作经历: 03/2021- 教授,博士生导师,南京农业大学 10/2014-02/2021 博士后,康乃狄克大学,康乃狄克州,美国 08/2009-08/2014 博士,贝勒大学,德克萨斯州,美国 08/2006-06/2009 硕士,中国科学院水生生物研究所,武汉 08/2002-06/2006 学士,华中农业大学,武汉 代表性论文: (分区以及影响因子依据2019年最新中科院SCI期刊分区;#通讯/共同通讯;*共同一作) 1. Ding B#, R Xia, Q Lin, V Gurung, JM Sagawa, LE Stanley, M Strobel, PK Diggle, BC Meyers, YW Yuan#. 2020. Developmental genetics of corolla tube formation: role of the tasiRNA-ARF pathway and a conceptual model.The Plant Cell.32: 3452-3468(一区;影响因子,9.618) 2. Ding B*, EL. Patterson*, S Holalu*, J Li, GA. Johnson, LE. Stanley, AB. Greenlee, F Peng, HD. Bradshaw Jr., ML. Blinov, BK. Blackman#, Y-W Yuan#. 2020. Two MYB proteins in a self-organizing activator-inhibitor system produce spotted pigmentation patterns. Current Biology. 30: 1-13. (*equal contribution)(一区;影响因子,9.601) 3. Ding B#,F Mou, W Sun, S Chen, F Peng, HD Bradshaw Jr., YW Yuan#. 2017. A dominant-negative actin mutation alters corolla tube width and pollinator visitation inMimulus lewisii.New Phytologist. 213: 1936–1944.(一区;影响因子,8.512) 4. Ding B#, YW Yuan. 2016. Testing the utility of fluorescent proteins inMimulus lewisiiby anAgrobacterium-mediated transient assay.Plant Cell Reports.35: 771-777.(二区;影响因子,3.825) 5. Ding B, JP Curole, M Husemann, PD Danley. 2015. Habitat complexity predicts the community diversity of rock-dwelling cichlid fish in Lake Malawi, East Africa.Hydrobiologia. 748: 133-143.(二区;影响因子,2.385) 6. Ding B#, DW Daugherty, M Husemann, M Chen, A Howe, PD Danley. 2014. Quantitative genetic analyses of male color pattern and female mate choice in a pair of cichlid fishes in Lake Malawi, East Africa.PLoS ONE.9:e114798.(三区;影响因子,2.74) 7. 丁宝清,刘焕章. 2011.长江流域鱼类食性同资源集团组成特征分析.四川动物, 30:31-35. 8. Stanley LE,B Ding, W Sun, F Mou, C Hill, S Chen, YW Yuan.2020.A tetratricopeptide repeat protein regulates carotenoid biosynthesis and chromoplast development in monkeyflowers(Mimulus).The Plant Cell.32: 1536-1555.(一区;影响因子,9.618) 9. Husemann M, R Nguyen,BDing, PD Danley. 2015. A genetic demographic analysis of Lake Malawi rock-dwelling cichlids using spatio-temporal sampling.Molecular Ecology. 24: 2686-2701.(一区;影响因子,5.163) 10. Husemann M, M Tobler,B Ding, R Nguyen, C McCauley, T Pilger, PD Danley. 2018. Complex patterns of genetic and phenotypic divergence in populations of the Lake Malawi cichlid Maylandia zebra.Hydrobiologia. 832: 135-151.(二区;影响因子,2.385) 11. Tang, QY, XB Li, D Yu, YR Zhu,B Ding, HZ Liu, PD Danley. 2018. Saurogobio punctatus sp. nov., a new cyprinid gudgeon (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from the Yangtze River, based on both morphological and molecular data.Journal of Fish Biology.92: 347-364.(三区;影响因子,1.495) 12. LaFountain AM, W Chen, W Sun, S Chen, HA Frank,B Ding, YW Yuan. 2017.Molecular basis of overdominance at a flower color locus.G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 7: 3947–3954.(三区;影响因子,2.781) 13. Husemann M, M Tobler, C McCauley,B Ding, PD Danley. 2017. Body shape differences in a pair of closely related Malawi cichlids and their hybrids: Effects of genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity, and transgressive segregation.Ecology and Evolution.7: 4336-4346.(三区;影响因子,2.392) 14. Gu QH, M Husemann,BDing, BX Xiong. 2015. Population genetic structure ofBellamya aeruginosa(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Viviparidae): low genetic divergence with high genetic polymorphism.Ecology and Evolution. 5: 4906–4919.(三区;影响因子,2.392) 15. Husemann M, M Tobler, C McCauley,BDing, PD Danley. 2014. Evolution of body shape in differently colored sympatric congeners and allopatric populations of Lake Malawi’s rock-dwelling cichlids.Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 27: 826-839.(三区;影响因子,2.72) 16. Yu D,BDing,H Liu. 2009. Isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci for theSaurogobio dabryi(Teleostei: Cyprinidae).Conservation Genetics Resources. 1:471–473.(四区;影响因子,1.107) 17. Danley PD, Husemann M,BDing, LM DiPietro, EJ Beverly, DJ Peppe. 2012. The impact of the geologic history and paleoclimate on the diversification of East African cichlids.International Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Article ID 574851. 会议报告: 2017 Formation of periodic pigment spots in monkeyflowers (Mimulus) by the diffusion- reaction mechanism.FASEB Science Research Conference: Mechanisms in plant development. Saxtons River, VT. 2016 Co-option of an ancient small RNA pathway in the evolution of an angiosperm key innovation.Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology,University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 2013 The genetic architecture of female mate choice in a pair of cichlids in Lake Malawi, East Africa. Evolution meeting. Snowbird, Utah. 2012 The segregation of the F2female mate choice in a pair of cichlids in Lake Malawi, East Africa. Evolution meeting. Ottawa, Canada. 2012 Genetic architecture of female mate choice in a pair of cichlids in Lake Malawi, East Africa.Department of Biology, Baylor University, TX. 2011 Species richness and community predictability of mbuna cichlids in Lake Malawi. Evolution meeting,Norman, OK. 2011 On the origin of lake Malawi cichlids and the mechanisms of their maintenance. Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. 2011 On the origin of lake Malawi cichlids and the mechanisms of their maintenance. College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China 2010 Ecological study of cichlids in Lake Malawi. Department of Biology, Baylor University, TX. 授课: 2015 Guest Lecturer for EEB2245 Evolutionary Biology(UConn) 2012 TA for BIO2401 Human Anatomy and Physiology(Baylor Univ.) 2011-2014 TA for BIO1406 Investigation of Bio-concepts(Baylor Univ.) 2009-2013 TA for BIO1105 & 1106 Modern Concept of Bio-science Lab(Baylor Univ.) 获奖: 2012 Travel Grant from the Society for the study of Evolution 2012 Travel Award from Graduate School of Baylor University 2010-2014 Folmar Research Award from Baylor University 2009 Mini Research Grant of the Orthopterists´ Society

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